Friday, 5 April 2013

Course Conclusion

Like I always say, it's always sad to say goodbye :(

I would just like to say a few things about my experience in this course.

First of all, the course material was very very very very very relevant to me as a computer science student. You may think that this course may not be helpful in the real world or even outside this course, but you would be very wrong. My fellow students and I were utilising knowledge that we've learned from CSC165 without even realising it sometimes! There were many instances of this. For example when fellow students and I were having a friendly argument about something (I forgot exactly what it was), it was settled by bringing in implication and negation, P => Q, P and not Q, etc. Another example is having learned list comprehensions in CSC165 and actually using them in CSC148 and for general testing involving generating a random list (i.e. I used [int(100*random()) for i in range(20)] a lot to test functions I've made). The most recent example of CSC165 being useful outside of CSC165 is for if statements involving conjunction and disjunction. While my fellow classmates and I were discussing about a certain very long if statement with a lot of conjunctions and disjunctions, we wanted to know when it would go to the else statement and how to simplify this if statement. To figure out when it would go to the else statement, we automatically started writing up the if statement in P and Q form with conjunctions and disjunctions and then negated it. We did this automatically and we didn't even notice that we are utilizing tools we've learned in CSC165! This was an awesome experience and it was so much more awesome when we realized what we were doing! This course and all its materials is tremendously more useful than I ever thought it would be!

Though I found that the course started out really tough, everything became really clear afterwards. I'm assuming the a lot of the course material was purposely made to be difficult for us to gain a much better understanding of the less difficult material.

I would like to thank all my fellow classmates, partners, and friends for helping me better understand the material. I would also like to thank all those I've helped as well because it gave me the chance to better understand the material myself by explaining it to someone else!

I would like to thank my awesome TA Ekaterina S! Thanks for putting up with my tutorial section. I know we were very unenthusiastic but you still pushed through and brightened up everybody's day. Thanks for being clear and concise and thanks for staying after tutorials to help us sometimes. Thanks a lot kat!

Finally, I would like to thank our professor Danny Heap, for being a great and wonderful professor. He was very enthusiastic, very helpful, and very understanding. Thanks for always staying after lectures to discuss problems and clear up confusions. Thanks for staying in your office to help students, especially for all those times you've stayed to help students in your office when it was not your declared office hour. Thanks for being a good teacher and a friendly prof. Some of my fellow classmates and I were discussing how much of an amazing professor you are because most of us did not try to memorize anything from this course, but some how we just knew how to do it all.
Thanks for everything professor Danny heap!

Thanks everyone, it has been a great, enjoyable semester!

Feel free to contact me, see you all around!